If you are an artist looking to submit your music to our label, please submit your music via: artist@b-lightrecords.online.

If you are interested in booking an event with our label, please submit your booking information via: bookings@b-lightrecords.online.

If you are interested in receiving more information about our label, please submit your information request via: info@b-lightrecords.online.

A: Sony Music and its employees do not accept, or consider, unsolicited sound recordings, musical compositions or any other creative materials.
For one of Sony Music’s labels or creative centers to review a demo, it must come recommended through an established music industry professional, such as a manager, lawyer, agent, producer, artist, programmer, or tastemaker. We suggest you consult with one or more of these professionals for more information.
Please note that if, despite our policy, you submit unsolicited material to us, then Sony Music has no obligation, and shall not be liable to you, or to any person claiming through you, based on such submission.